Cookie Based Authentication With HttpClient

Cookie based authentication against API isn’t common scenario but you would find it here and there, mostly in legacy applications. HttpClient supports cookies out of the box, but it doesn’t work always as expected. In my scenario the cookie is always invalided by API after each call which results always to the following behavior: the first request is successful, every other is rejected. Let see how can be avoid it.

Azure App Configuration – Central Configuration Repository

Cloud based applications are distributed in nature. As the times go it becomes more and more difficult to maintain an overview over all settings used across all of the components. Finally there is a new Azure service to store and manage application and deployment settings and feature flags in one place.

Use Managed Identity in Azure API Management to Authenticate With an Azure Function

You don’t want that someone is calling your Azure Functions unauthenticated. You can rely on old-school function keys or use Azure Active Directory. Azure Functions provide elegant Authentication / Authorization functionality previous known as Easy Auth which works nicely with Azure API Management.

Authenticate against Jira REST APIs with OAuth 1.0a 1-Legged and .NET Core 2.x

OAuth specification 2.0 is out there since 2012 but 1.0a version is still widely used. Atlassian’s Jira is for example such case. You wouldn’t find anything about 1-Legged OAuth in the documentation but the fact is, by now, Jira is still supporting this flow but referring to this wrongly as 2-Legged OAuth. Sadly there aren’t lot of .Net Core libraries which implements OAuth’s 1-Legged, as described in the The OAuth Bible. I implemented this functionality into oauth-dotnetcore library and will show you how this can be used to access Jira APIs.

Am I Going to Leave Windows Phone? I Don’t Know.

Windows Phone

My first Smartphone was Symbian based Nokia 3650, followed by dozen Windows Mobile devices like HTC Magician, HTC TyTn and HTC Touch. After Nokia’s great 3650, the iPhone 3G was my second attempt to run on a non Windows Mobile device. Although it was beautiful experience, one must admit, that iOS was at this time really laggy. So I switched again –